Raw and Smackdown Recap

Raw Recap

So Raw and Smackdown came from Scotland this week, as I’m a British fan, this made me happy. I think more WWE programming needs to come from foreign countries, we need far more diversity and the fans were a lot more vocal and I think we need a little more fan participation in things.

I want to start with the Noam Dar debut. I was so happy to see this debut, my god, the pop was awesome! I think the tag match was the right way to debut him and Rich Swann is brilliant, he’s really getting himself over through his personality and dancing alone. I’m glad he’s doing so well as I always enjoyed him on the indie scene and the CWC.


Are they planning Noam vs. Kendrick at some point? I for one would LOVE to see this. I think the mat based style Noam wrestles works well with Kendrick and I think it would be a great way to get the WWE fans into him.


Now, with the Survivor Series matches, according to Stephanie, jobs are on the line. I personally, would have loved to have seen more on the line because we all know, if Raw does lose, then the people she fires will just end up on Smackdown. Which would be brilliant for Smackdown. But who goes? Who would get fired? Who could work well on Smackdown?

The Scottish fans clearly love Bayley! The fans “took over” the women’s Survivor Series team announcement. Charlotte announced the full team but the crowd were too busy chanting for Bayley.

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Poor Sami, his mere presence annoys Stephanie so much she has to make him fight Rusev. Now, I enjoyed the match its self. Sami and Rusev work well together and the mix of Sami and his high flying style and Rusev’s mat based style worked extremely well together and the final Helluva kick was brilliantly played and I’m glad Sami won. But, I do not get Stephanie’s need to humiliate everyone at times!


The tag team group for Survivor Series, the teams of The Club, Enzo and Cass, The Golden Truth, Cesaro and Seamus and of course, The New Day. Big E gave a rousing performance of the speech from Braveheart and a cheap pop, The Club threatened to stab everyone in the back at the first chance they got.  This is what I want to hear from them. I want them to be the heels we need right now.

After this segment, we went to a back stage bit between R-Truth and Goldust where we find R-Truth has sold their spot in the Tag Team match at Survivor Series, for a holiday in the Shining Stars resort. I think this segment served for one purpose, to make R-Truth look ridiculous and make the Shining Stars even more of a joke.


Main event time came to a 5 man match. Started off with Roman in with Stroman, we nearly had a SHIELD bit, broken up by Kevin and Chris. This was a little crazy and hard to follow at times. The sequence where they all piled on Stroman and then he pushed them all of was a very thought out moment.

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The final sequence with the pedigree to Chris Jericho, then KO kicks Seth out of the ring and then the Superman Punch to KO from Roman, which meant KO pinned Jericho was brilliant and perhaps a Segway into KO vs. Chris Jericho at the next Raw PPV? Or do they leave it until Wrestlemania?

Smackdown Recap


I really enjoyed Smackdown this week, I was worried about Tom Phillips joining the team but he was a good addition, my only complaint is can we get rid of David Otunga please?? I really dislike him. Anyway, on to the action.

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The show opened with AJ Styles, who as always got great heel heat. He was complaining about Last week’s events with Dean Ambrose and James Ellsworth.

He said James looked like a foot, which I found amusing.

He went on to talk about Survivor Series, Baron Corbin interrupted his speech about his team, Bray Wyatt, Randy Orton and Luke Harper then interrupted them and then finally Dean Ambrose came out. He walked to the ring and then walked back where he introduced James Ellsworth!

Shane McMahon came out after some posturing and Baron Corbin walked away. Shane announced that James Ellsworth would be the official mascot for Team Smackdown at Survivor Series.

He also announced that there would be a six man tag match for later on in the evening, Bray Wyatt, Randy Orton and Luke Harper against James Ellsworth, Dean Ambrose and Baron Corbin. However in a backstage segment, Baron Corbin refused to take part and so Shame put him in a match with Calisto. No word on who would take his place in the 6 man tag.

The Vaude Villains took on Breezango for a tag team qualifying match, we’ve not seen Breezango for a while but they did give JBL a “fashion police ticket”.

Breezango went over the Vaude Villains; this means all the spaces in the match are now filled.


Next was a match with Natalya and Naomi, I just love Naomi’s entrance, it’s so much fun! Nikki Bella was on commentary for the match. Carmella came out mid match and chaos ensued, meaning Naomi got the win with a roll up.


Backstage segment with Dean, James and Daniel Bryan, Daniel put Kane into the match arranged for later on as Baron Corbin had been taken out.


Baron Corbin vs. Calisto next, Corbin started attacking Calisto before the match even started, but Corbin got on to the ring apron and slipped off, injuring his knee, Calisto took advantage and drop kicked his knee. He then climbed up on to the top turn buckle and dived onto his knee. The match was called off.


Backstage with Shane and Daniel next, Baron Corbin has been taken out because of his injury so Daniel Bryan has been left to decide who to take his place.

Alexa vs. Becky Lynch for the Women’s Championship next up, a fantastic match put on by these two ladies, great pacing and lots of action, Alexa threw Becky into the stairs and was working on her arm for the majority of the match, did anyone else get a jump in this match? I don’t know if it was just me. Anyway, the match ended with a dusty finish as Alexa’s leg was on the rope and the ref took the tap. I’m sure this will be brought up again after Survivor Series.


Backstage again where we find out the cruiserweight title will be defended at Survivor Series, if Calisto wins; the cruiserweights will be coming to Smackdown! Big news and I hope it happens.

Main event time, AJ Styles was on commentary and lots of action in this match, James Ellsworth even got a tag and tried to go for his no chin music, but Bray got him and gave him a Sister Abigail for his troubles.


After the match, Dean was surrounded by the Wyatt family and AJ, Shane came down to try and keep the peace and Daniel Bryan came to tell everyone who is going to be on the Survivor Series match. Shane McMahon! What?? OK then. The fans in Scotland clearly approved!


so now we know who will be in each team at Survivor Series, all spaces have been filled through this week.

Next weeks Smackdown is the 900th episode so there are 2 special guests so far, Edge was announced tonight and The Undertaker! I am very much looking forward to this episode.

The teams for Survivor Series are below. Any predictions for how it will go?

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